Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I've determined to use this blog as one of those infamous "political" blogs I hear so much about, but never seem to read. This way, when I run for congress or senate in ten years, someone can drag up these words to haunt me. I'm very excited.

It is 1:20 in the morning at the moment. In less than twenty four hours one of the most momentous debates of the past twenty years will take place. It is the burden of every American to watch two men spar over issues that could define the world for the next twenty years.

Recent polling data exists that suggests the American public believes George Bush to be the better fighter of terrorism in the future. The only problem I see with this perception is that his track record is so poor up to this point. He hasn't dismantled Al Qaeda, the only islamic extremist organization to cause this terror, of which we all seem so frightened. In fact, if you think about the meaning of these words, you might even say that GW Bush has been the man most behind the terror most Americans feel. His color coded messages tell us EXACTLY how terrified we should be. His attacks in Iraq have created a bastion for extremists. His "us vs. them" attitude has colored the way we view the world west of California, south of Texas, and north and east of Maine.

At some point we seem to have entered, not the war against terror, but the war against people we don't like so much.

So why do people think Bush is such a good anti-terror candidate? I think it's because he's amazing at tossing out hand grenades and assuring us HE is the man who can now pick them up. He's like a magician. He never lets his left hand know what his right hand is doing. The only problem is the act he is performing is no act of cherity.
